Reading Time: 4 min

Greetings from Rahim and Zema!

February 17, 2021

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings from Rahim! We trust you stay healthy and doing wonderfully. It has been a little while since we wrote last and many things have happened during this time. We’d like to share a quick update about a few highlights with you for prayer.

Hope Haven at its full capacity

Currently our ministry of Hope Haven house – a transitional home for women and children at risk – is at its full capacity. We have 7 women and 4 children in the house. We are pleased how well things are going and constantly pray and look for ways to impact the lives of women and children at the house. The pandemic and the legal issues present some challenges for us to do all that we want, but we are grateful for what we can do to help the women in the house and the ones who have left the house and live independently.

Convener role

In our previous letter, we communicated the possibility of leading the overall work of YWAM here. After much prayer and counsel, Rahim has committed to convening (leading) the YWAM leadership team here that is made of 8 different ministry team leaders. We have around 40 full-time staff from several different countries serving here. The pandemic has presented various challenges for us as it has for many globally, but we pray and our ministry teams are doing well to adjust to the new realities.

Possible school option for our children

Many of you have prayed and asked about our kids’ school challenges we communicated about last year. There is a possibility of sending our kids to a school named after a famous Jewish scholar, Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Leo Landau who was born and had part of his education in Azerbaijan. In order for our kids to possibly attend the Landau School, they are required to enroll in so called “Pre-Landau prep program” to ensure a smother transition from the public school system. We are encouraged by this possibility and would like to ask you to keep it in your prayers. There will be an exam at the end of spring and if our kids’ scores are satisfactory, they will be accepted into this school. If all goes well with the prep program and our kids are accepted to the Landau School, the cost of the school for three our children would be around $4000 per kid for one school year. Obviously, that would be another step of faith for us and we will need to see God’s miraculous provision for that. (This school is a private school, but it is the most affordable among private schools.)

Ministry to war victims

Our initiative to assist the war victims has gone well and many friends have prayed and given financially toward this initiative. We intend to continue to help the war victims in need. There are many who are in need and we are praying about more creative ways to reach out to them. Please pray for wisdom and new doors to open how to best do that.

Thank you so much for your partnership with prayer and financially!

May God bless you and keep you!


Rahim and Zema (Sofiya, Nuraya and Rafael)

P.S. The family photo was taken back in December around Christmas and Rahim was not going hunting.:)

If you would like to contribute toward the needs we described above, you may give online using this link: using our special designation code 480.

You can mail a check (made out to YWAM Organic for a tax-deductable receipt) to:

YWAM Organic
PO Box 15579
Colorado Springs, CO 80935

(Please don’t write on the memo line, instead include a seperate sticky note with our name on it)

All donations are tax-deductable.