Our Student Ministry is looking for men and women who love Jesus, love young people, and want to help them grow in their walk with Jesus (There needs to be a 4 year difference so 9th graders can work with 5th graders or below, 2019 Grads could work with 9th graders or below, etc.). If that’s you, would you consider becoming a Student Ministry Small Group Leader during msINCLINE (5-8th graders, Sunday Mornings 9:15am) or hsALTITUDE (9-12th graders, Sunday nights 6:30pm)?
2 Current Needs:
- msINCLINE Small Group Leaders on Sunday Mornings at 9:15am (higher priority, 5th grade boys leaders, 5th grade girls leaders, 7th grade girls leader, 7th grade boys leader)
- hsALTITUDE Small Group Leaders on Sunday Nights at 6:30pm (less priority)
If interested in either of these positions, click below!
POSITION: Student Ministry Small Group Leader (msINCLINE or hsALTITUDE)
RESPONSIBLE TO: Student Pastor
DESCRIPTION: Small Group Leaders are responsible for providing their groups with vision, direction, and support. Leaders are successful when they are personally growing in their intimacy with God, have community with fellow believers, influence with people outside of the church, and are leading their groups in such a way as to encourage the group members’ growth in these three relational areas as well.
MISSION STATEMENT: To build relationships and encourage students to become passionate followers of Jesus.
TIME COMMITMENT: 2-3 hours each week: 1½-2 hours at msINCLINE or hsALTITUDE, 1/2-1 hours of contact work, follow up, encouragement, attending special events, etc.
- Actively participate in weekly Sunday Morning Worship Service.
- Be committed to maintaining unity by understanding and supporting the core values and beliefs of Pikes Peak Christian Church.
- Have a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Plan ahead and be prepared for each small group meeting.
- Pray for everyone in your group and your student pastor on a weekly basis.
- Contact members of your group on a regular basis (contact work). This can be done through email, phone calls, one-on-one get-togethers, or going out with your students as a group. Build a sense of community amongst your group by assigning different group members different roles within the group (such as praying, leading icebreakers, etc.), caring for those who have special needs as they occur, and meeting for social events on a regular basis.
- Prepare for small group lessons. Facilitate group discussions, questions, and challenges that will enable the group to grow deeper in their walk with Christ
- When the opportunity arises, identify and develop potential leaders within your small group through mentoring.
- Make yourself available to your group members for general pastoral care
Small Group Leader Covenant:
In order to lead a closed small group there are some responsibilities that you need to be willing to agree to.
- I agree to growing in my relationship with Jesus realizing that I can’t lead students further than my own spiritual level
- I agree to attend the adult worship service regularly to grow in my own walk with Jesus.
- I agree with the Statement of Faith of our church (found on our website).
- I agree to living a lifestyle that sets an example to the students in my group. (ex. not abusing substances; not pursuing a lifestyle of unrepentant sin; not posting inappropriate things on social media, etc.)
- I agree to invest in relationships with the students in my group with the ultimate goal of Discipling them
- I agree to create a safe place by keeping things said in the group confidential (unless a student plans to hurt themselves, someone else, or is being hurt)
- I agree to be present for my students (setting the example by sitting with my students, by not being on my phone, not talking to other leaders, or not being in/out of the room during large and/or small group).
- I agree to be consistent and committed to my small group, making it a top priority each week.
- I agree to be present whenever possible realizing that time is valuable with my students.
- I agree to spending time during the week contacting my students and encouraging, challenging, and praying for them. I will occasionally go out of my way to attend extracurricular or special events to build relationships with students and parents.
- I agree to being willing to respect others, listen, learn, and create a safe place for small group conversation
- I agree to spend time becoming the best small group leader possible by learning (watching training videos, reading books, listening to podcasts, etc.), growing, and seeking help from others.