Missions Around the World!
JAN 31, 2020
“As many of you know, human trafficking has been an increasing problem here. For many years now it has seemed like a losing battle. This is why we have put most of our efforts to tackle this problem right at the village level, by educating young people and their parents about the destructiveness of this whole area. Well, we are happy to report of some breakthroughs that are occurring in a number of people’s lives. We believe that God can use the stories and testimonies of these individuals to influence many for good! We are encouraged to see this happening!”
are third generation missionaries based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Joni’s grandparents, J. Russell and Gertrude Morse, brought the gospel into northern Burma and led many to the Lord. Joni married Nangsar, who is from the Rawang tribe and together they’ve expanded the impact of their family’s work—Establishing Churches, Developing Communities, Empowering People and Nurturing Life. They are currently working to build a sustainable church planting movement that will positively impact the lives of people for generations to come across much of the territories of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos by weaving together all four of the core mission priorities into one comprehensive ministry initiative.
Randy & Miki Brooks have been part of South Pacific Christian Fellowship since 1995 after Randy was ordained by our church Elders. They’ve served in many roles, from planting a church and serving on their staff, to recruiting and mentoring church planters for New Zealand and Australia. For a period it looked like Randy might become the new executive director of the mission, but after much prayer he does not feel that’s where God is leading him.
It is a joy for me to recruit and assist these people in taking such huge steps of faith in their lives. I love mentoring, coaching and challenging them as they grow in their understanding of missions, fund raising and church planting. However, I long to be involved with, or leading, a team of people who are working toward the same goals. Miki and I believe that God may be leading us to return to NZ in order to plant a new church within the next couple of years but we do not have complete clarity about this yet….I also believe that in order for SPCF to become an effective indigenous church planting organization, we will need someone on the ground in NZ and in Australia investing in people and developing leaders. So, I find myself conflicted because I see that God is working through us in the recruiting of new team members, yet our hearts are still very much directed toward NZ….Please keep our family in prayer as we continue to seek and discern His leading.”
Amanda Fisher is the daughter of Mark and Åsa and serves on the YWAM staff in Kona, HI and helps lead their largest Discipleship Training School. Her duties include overseeing the budget and financial decisions for the school and providing oversight for the outreach team leaders that spread out over the world in short-term mission teams. She married to Michael Roppo, who also is on the Kona YWAM staff.
Mark & Åsa Fisher are part of the YWAM’s Strategic Frontiers team. Their mission is to plant churches, businesses and YWAM ministries that apply God’s Word to every area of thought and life in a culturally appropriate way amongst Muslim peoples and the least reached peoples on the planet. Mark is the point man for the Business as Missions and he leads the annual School of and Entrepreneurship (SOBE) on the YWAM campus in Colorado Springs, where believers are trained to lead business ventures in areas where church planting is not permitted. These business create a platform for building relationships that can lead to evangelism and discipleship. Åsa has been shifting the focus of her ministry to refugees and has been receiving training from local agencies. She will be going to Gibraltar in June to visit a refugee circle.
Three years ago there was a barista working at the Kairos Cafe (in Nepal) that we ate at several times. A cafe, started by a couple sent from our YWAM campus. She wasn’t a believer at that point. In fact she was a devout Hindu, influenced by the Marxist movement in Nepal. On our trip now she was one of our tour guides as we visited the various businesses. She is now a follower of Jesus and completed a Discipleship Training School in Cambodia. The life transformation was before our eyes.”
Dave & Sandy Echols recently returned to Namibia, Africa in the low-income area of Katatura to continue their work with Three Measures, which focus on spiritual, social and physical development.
David writes on their website:
Our Thrive Communities are the heart of 3 Measures. This is our church planting and where development happens. We build community on a foundation of evangelism and discipleship, all while teaching basic principles of community development. Young and Pregnant is a program designed to come alongside pregnant teenagers in Katutura. Our aim is not only to educate, but also to encourage and love these young mothers-to-be while affirming their value and the value of the lives they are bringing into the world. Hope Cafe grew out of our first Thrive community as a tool to provide free internet access to university students in Katutura. At the same time, the cafe provides a fun and safe place for building community throughout the week. Restoration Seminars are week-long courses are for rural pastors and Christians in leadership among the unreached Himba tribe. In these seminars we focus on the basics of how to read, understand & apply the Bible.”
Ben & Heidi Fisher served on a WYAM team in southeast Asia. Their mission was to reach the people of Indonesia with the gospel and make disciples through agricultural development work and other avenues. They are currently in transition here in the US on their way to YWAM in Kona where they will pursue ministry with the team there and investigate options for Graduate School.
[get updates from ben@cleartrail.org]
2020 Short-term Mexico Mission Trip!
Ninos De Baja is a Christian-outreach ministry in El Porvenir, a tiny farm town 50 miles south of the California/U.S. border. Their mission is to share the love of Christ by serving the children in Baja California, Mexico. Niños provides a loving home for kids who have been orphaned, abused or abandoned. It’s a community outreach to El Porvenir and beyond. For many summers we’ve sent teams to help at the orphanage. More information to come for this years’ trip!
Want to learn more and possibly join us on this adventure? Mandatory information meetings will be March 1 OR March 15 at 12:30pm in the Peak View Room.